Application of Vibrating Cone Crusher in Ore Beneficiation Plant
Vibrating cone crusher, which can also be called inertia cone crusher, is widely used for the fine crushing and coarse crushing in such industries as metal ore, non-metallic ore, cement pre-grinding, refractory, slag, silica sand, electricity, coal and ceramics whose feeding is 20~300 mm and discharging is 2~10 mm and it has unique superiority when crushing hard materials with strong abradability. This paper mainly introduces the superfine crushing method of vibrating cone crusher in ore beneficiation plant.
Vibrating cone crusher is widely used in the open-circuit fine crushing and open-circuit coarse crushing process whose feeding is smaller than 20~300 mm and discharging is not bigger than 3~10 mm in iron ore, lead zinc ore, gold, copper, bauxite, tin ore and tungsten ore. At present, when adopting open-circuit system, the short-headed cone crusher with eccentric bushing for transmission finds it difficult to reach the required granularity, although impact crusher or hammer crusher can crush the soft ores to the granularity below 20mm, they are limited when crushing hard materials and the rocks with high surrounding rock.
This vibrating cone crusher makes full use of the features of high crushing and grinding efficiency of ball mill, decreases the diameter of the grinding media inside the one-stage mill from 100~120mm to 60~80mm and increases the number of the small-sized grinding media, thus reducing half of the consumption of the grinding media and 0.7~1 times of the consumption of the lining boards and increasing the output of the grinding mill. Sometimes it may reduce the number of the grinding mill or does not use coarse mill like rod mill, but directly use the closed-circuit system of vibrating cone crusher and fine screening to control the granularity of the products in the range of below 3mm and then the materials can go directly into the fine mill for fine grinding.
When using vibrating cone crusher, the three-stage crushing and four-stage crushing in the ore dressing plant can be changed to two-stage crushing, and the two-stage ore grinding can be changed to one-stage grinding, in this way, the whole production line will become a two-stage crushing and one-stage ore grinding process, thus simplifying the production process, replacing ore grinding with crushing, reducing the energy consumption by 20%, improving the production capacity by 20%~40% and the labor productivity by 15% and reducing the infrastructure expenditure.